Birth – issue of birth certificate (original)

  1. Name of the act
    Birth – issue of birth certificate (original)
  2. In what case to act in the matter
    Birth of a child – issue of a birth certificate to the parent/child’s legal representative.
  3. Characteristics of the act
    Issue of a registry document – birth certificate.
  4. Result of the act
    Registry document – birth certificate proving the birth.
    The registry document is issued on a prescribed form and contains the data entered in the registry book. It bears special security features against forgery and alteration.
  5. When to deal with the matter
    After the birth of the child – when it is necessary to exercise rights and/or fulfil legal obligations before the state authorities or bodies of local self-government units.
  6. What needs to be submitted when initiating the act electronically
    A written request is submitted by the applicant in the form of an individual application, which shall contain: information about the applicant (name and surname, date of birth, permanent residence address, delivery address – if applicable, legitimacy of interest), as well as the name and surname, date and place of the child’s birth.
    The following shall be enclosed with the application (unless the mother had the following documents with her at the maternity hospital):
    • A consonant declaration of both parents regarding the name of the child, signed by the mother at the maternity hospital. The father shall sign the declaration regarding the child’s name when he receives the birth certificate at the registry office (if the father cannot attend in person, a written form of the father’s consent to the child’s name shall be delivered to the registry office);
    • For children born during marriage – the parents’ marriage certificate;
    • For children born out of wedlock:
      • to an unmarried mother – birth certificate;
      • to a divorced mother – birth certificate, final judgement of divorce;
      • to a widowed mother – birth certificate, death certificate of the husband;
      • the foreign mother submits, in addition to the above documents, a current certificate of her marital status issued by the competent authorities of her home country;
      • where applicable, a protocol on the establishment of paternity of the unborn child;
      • where applicable, if the child was born as a result of assisted reproduction, the written consent of the man who consented to the assisted reproduction, certified by the health care provider, and a congruent statement of the parents regarding the name(s) and surname of the child.

    For the purpose of issuing a birth certificate for a child born outside a health facility where the mother was not provided with health services or subsequently provided with health services, other documents necessary to prove that the mother of the child is the woman who gave birth to the child shall be submitted in addition to the documents mentioned above.
    If the parents of the child are foreigners, identity documents (passport, proof of identity, ID card, etc.), a residence permit for foreigners in the Czech Republic and – if applicable – a certificate of assignment of a personal number shall always be submitted for both parents. This also applies if the other parent is a citizen of the Czech Republic.
    All foreign documents submitted shall always be submitted in the original or in an officially certified photocopy and accompanied by the prescribed certifications and an official translation into Czech, unless they are documents issued by the authorities of a foreign state and include a standard multilingual form.
    This means that the relevant document is certified by higher authorities of the relevant state and then super-legalized by the Czech Embassy in that particular state. If the documents are issued by the embassy of a foreign state in the Czech Republic, they shall be certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic in Prague. In some countries, according to international conventions, it is possible to replace the super-legalization of documents with a certification clause, the so-called “apostille”. Such certifications are not necessary in cases where the document was issued in a state with which the Czech Republic has concluded a treaty on legal aid in civil and family matters, or where the document is a document covered by a directly applicable European Union regulation.
    All foreign documents submitted shall not only be accompanied by the relevant certifications (see above), but also translated into Czech by a court translator appointed pursuant to Act No. 354/2019 Coll., on Court Interpreters and Court Translators, as amended, unless they are documents issued by the authorities of a foreign state and include a standard multilingual form.

  7. What needs to be submitted when initiating the act other than electronically
    The following shall be submitted for the birth certificate to be issued (unless the mother had the following documents with her at the maternity hospital):
    • A consonant declaration of both parents regarding the name of the child, signed by the mother at the maternity hospital. The father shall sign the declaration regarding the child’s name when he receives the birth certificate at the registry office (if the father cannot attend in person, a written form of the father’s consent to the child’s name shall be delivered to the registry office);
    • For children born during marriage – the parents’ marriage certificate;
    • For children born out of wedlock:
      • to an unmarried mother – birth certificate;
      • to a divorced mother – birth certificate, final judgement of divorce;
      • to a widowed mother – birth certificate, death certificate of the husband;
      • the foreign mother submits, in addition to the above documents, a current certificate of her marital status issued by the competent authorities of her home country;
      • where applicable, a protocol on the establishment of paternity of the unborn child;
      • where applicable, if the child was born as a result of assisted reproduction, the written consent of the man who consented to the assisted reproduction, certified by the health care provider, and a congruent statement of the parents regarding the name(s) and surname of the child.

    For the purpose of issuing a birth certificate for a child born outside a health facility where the mother was not provided with health services or subsequently provided with health services, other documents necessary to prove that the mother of the child is the woman who gave birth to the child shall be submitted in addition to the documents mentioned above.
    If the parents of the child are foreigners, identity documents (passport, proof of identity, ID card, etc.), a residence permit for foreigners in the Czech Republic and – if applicable – a certificate of assignment of a personal number shall always be submitted for both parents. This also applies if the other parent is a citizen of the Czech Republic.
    All foreign documents submitted shall always be submitted in the original or in an officially certified photocopy and accompanied by the prescribed certifications and an official translation into Czech, unless they are documents issued by the authorities of a foreign state and include a standard multilingual form.
    This means that the relevant document is certified by higher authorities of the relevant state and then super-legalized by the Czech Embassy in that particular state. If the documents are issued by the embassy of a foreign state in the Czech Republic, they shall be certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic in Prague. In some countries, according to international conventions, it is possible to replace the super-legalization of documents with a certification clause, the so-called “apostille”. Such certifications are not necessary in cases where the document was issued in a state with which the Czech Republic has concluded a treaty on legal aid in civil and family matters, or where the document is a document covered by a directly applicable European Union regulation.
    All foreign documents submitted shall not only be accompanied by the relevant certifications (see above), but also translated into Czech by a court translator appointed pursuant to Act No. 354/2019 Coll., on Court Interpreters and Court Translators, as amended, unless they are documents issued by the authorities of a foreign state and include a standard multilingual form.

  8. Where and how to initiate the act electronically
    By submission to the data box of the competent registry office whose jurisdiction includes the place where the individual was born. Alternatively, by submission with a certified electronic signature issued by an accredited certification service provider.
    The original of the birth certificate of a child born at the city districts of Brno-střed (Brno-Centre), Bohunice, Bosonohy, Kohoutovice, Nový Lískovec or Starý Lískovec (maternity hospitals of FN Brno (Brno University Hospital), Bohunice; FN Brno (Brno University Hospital), Obilní trh; or Nemocnice Milosrdných bratří (the Hospital of the Brothers of Mercy) may be requested through a data box with ID: qykbwe7. Submission with a certified electronic signature issued by an accredited certification service provider can be made electronically at: Without the use of a guaranteed electronic signature, the submission shall be confirmed in writing or orally and recorded within 5 days. All required annexes shall be submitted within the same time limit.
  9. Where and how to initiate the act other than electronically
    By a personal visit to the competent registry office whose jurisdiction includes the place where the individual was born. The original of the birth certificate of a child born at the city districts of Brno-střed (Brno-Centre), Bohunice, Bosonohy, Kohoutovice, Nový Lískovec or Starý Lískovec (maternity hospitals of FN Brno (Brno University Hospital), Bohunice; FN Brno (Brno University Hospital), Obilní trh; or Nemocnice Milosrdných bratří (the Hospital of the Brothers of Mercy) can be obtained at the Registry Office of the Brno-Centre District Office, Nádražní 4, office hours: Monday and Wednesday 8.00 a.m.-5.00 p.m.
    The birth certificate of a child born in a medical facility is usually ready for collection on the 10th day after the child’s birth. Please contact the registry office directly to find out if you can get a birth certificate at an earlier date.
    The application (including any attachments) can be sent in writing via a postal service provider or submitted in person to the competent registry office.
  10. Fee for initiating an act electronically
    No fee
  11. Fee for initiating an act other than electronically
    No fee, except for the fee of the delivery company if the submission is made through the delivery company.
  12. The amount of the benefit or other payment if it is the subject of the act
  13. Remedies
    An appeal against a decision not to register a birth or refusal to issue a registry document (birth certificate) may be lodged within 15 days from the date of its delivery with Odbor vnitřních věcí Magistrátu města Brna (Department of Internal Affairs of the Brno City Hall), Malinovské nám. 3, Brno, through the filing office of the Brno-Centre District Office, Dominikánská 2, Brno. 
  14. Frequently Asked Questions
    What do I need to be able to collect the birth certificate?
    Detailed information on how to collect a birth certificate can be downloaded from the city district’s website.
    What are the conditions for acquiring Czech citizenship?
    Detailed information can be downloaded from the city district’s website.
  15. Penalties
  16. Sphere of activity
    State administration exercised in a delegated capacity.
  17. Area
    Registry agenda
  18. Keywords
    Birth, childbirth, birth certificate, registry document
  19. Start of validity of the act description
    9. 11. 2021
  20. End of validity of the act description
    Without limitation
  21. Result of the act recorded in the basic register or in the agenda information system
    After the birth has been recorded in the registry book, the information on the birth of the individual is entered in the population registration agenda information system or, where applicable, notified to the agenda information system for foreigners.

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